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Start Now

Use Paymode’s network of over 550,000 verified businesses to pay suppliers securely and earn rebates from AP spend.


Pay Vendors

Pay vendors through the largest B2B payments network to enhance working capital, prevent fraud, and reduce costs and processing time.

Receive Payments

Protect your business against fraud and get paid faster with Paymode, the largest B2B payments network.

Partner with Us

Boost revenue for your business and your customers with access to our secure vendor payment network. Become a partner today!

Join Thousands of Companies Making and Receiving Better Payments

Over 550,000 verified businesses use Paymode to lower their cost of payment processing, reduce the risk of fraud, and deliver significant time savings for AP and AR functions.

Enhance Efficiency, Fight Fraud, and Cut Costs

Paymode, Bottomline's business payments network, provides tangible benefits for every business transaction.


Enhance Efficiency

Bottomline customers slash processing time by over 50% through digitizing payments, streamlining approvals, and automating receipt and reconciliation processes.


Fight Fraud

We validate and authenticate every business on the network using over 300 data points and ensure the same high-level security for payers and vendors, safeguarding against any unauthorized account or bank information changes.


Cut Costs

Businesses using Bottomline can anticipate slashing payment costs by over 50% by eliminating expensive checks and cumbersome financial processes.

Bottomline Technologies

What Our Customers Say

Paymode makes it effortless to quickly receive payments from my customers.

Paymode cut AR time from 2 hours to 20 minutes per day.

Roi Calculator

Calculate Your
Annual Savings

* Indicates a required field

Eliminate or automate every AP process you use today and you could realize these benefits:


Annual Rebates


Annual Cost Savings


Annual Net Benefit

Annual Net Benefit = Annual Rebates + Cost Savings - Recurring Fees

Adjust the calculator settings to see how much you could save by switching to Paymode.

Woman smiling

Get In Touch

Reach out to us to learn more about how Paymode can improve your core processes and generate new opportunities.