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Know Where Your Jobs and Projects Stand

Code POs and invoices to job budgets in AP Automation for Real Estate, pulling in data directly from your GL. Identify if the project is adhering to budget, or where and how it has exceeded budgeted costs.


Never Miss a Beat with Job Costs


Reduce Coding Errors

AP Automation for Real Estate automatically and intelligently pulls the “right” data from the GL and presents it for the “right” invoices. This helps reduce coding errors and makes things easier and faster for AP coders.


Compare to Budget

Each line item—from an invoice or PO—can be compared to the budget. If not enough budget is available, the line item will not be allowed, forcing the user to submit a change order. A simple way to control costs.


Get the Right Approvals for Each Job

Set up approval workflows based on contract code or job code to ensure that invoices and POs are automatically routed to reviewers familiar with the project/job.


Monitor Construction Expenses

Pull a wide range of reports about projects, including accrued expenses that have not yet been approved for payment.

Share Job Cost Information and Draw Reports with Banks and Stakeholders

Easily pull copies of all invoices related to a job's contract or job code and present them in one bulk invoice report.

Other Solutions

Easily add on these Bottomline solutions to work even more efficiently and securely

Invoice Automation for Real Estate

Digitize and automate your real estate invoice process with Bottomline. Save time, reduce errors, and gain control.

AP Automation for Real Estate

Digitize AP processes for real estate with automated invoice processing, secure payments, and centralized procurement.


Enable your employees to purchase the supplies they need—when they need them—from a centralized purchasing platform.

Purchase Orders

Create, manage, track, and approve electronic POs—all within your AP Automation for Real Estate solution.
Bottomline Technologies

What Our Customers Say

We have used Bottomline's AP Automation for Real Estate for almost 20 years. We wouldn't use any other system. It checks all the boxes: ease of use, implementation, flexibility, workflow, job cost, and integration with MRI. 


Get In Touch

Need an easy, transparent solution to properly account for construction and development costs? Get started.