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Keep Track of Spend Without Paper

Create, manage, track, and approve electronic POs—all within your AP Automation for Real Estate solution.


Shave Time Off the Procurement Process


Route POs to the Right Approvers

Enable team members to create an electronic PO effortlessly and route to the right stakeholders for quick sign off. Trigger special workflows if a purchase is over-budget or of a high-dollar amount.


Compare POs to Budget and Actuals

Compare actual spend against budget, which is imported directly from your accounting system. Let users provide context on budget overages right on the PO itself.


Flip Electronic PO to an Invoice

Once the goods and services are delivered, flip the PO into an invoice right within your solution. The vendor's name, price, quantity, and ordered items will be auto-populated into the new invoice. Choose which line items to include.


Keep Purchase Orders Open

Didn’t receive all the goods and services you ordered? No problem. Keep your PO open—and create an invoice just for the goods received. Include only the line items you want.


Mitigate Risk With Three-Way Matching

Set up your solution to automatically match an electronic PO to an invoice and a receipt, safeguarding your business against incorrect or fraudulent invoices.


Pull Comprehensive Purchase Order Reports

Pull reports specifically related to your electronic purchase orders. For example, monitor if individual line items in a PO have been released, received, canceled, and/or invoiced, track POs by vendor, and/or pull purchasing summary reports.​

Save Time and Eliminate Errors

Cut down on errors and all the back-and-forth. Centralize every purchase request and use a standard format. 

Protect Against Fraud

Match invoices to your electronic POs, which can be generated right within your AP Automation solution. Perform two-way and three-way matching (PO-to invoice-to receipt) to guard against fraudulent invoices and payments.​

​Set up digital access controls and ensure employees have the correct invoice permissions tailored to their roles.

Other Solutions

Easily add on these Bottomline solutions to work even more efficiently and securely.

Invoice Automation for Real Estate

Digitize and automate your real estate invoice process with Bottomline. Save time, reduce errors, and gain control.


Enable your employees to purchase the supplies they need—when they need them—from a centralized purchasing platform.

Job Costing

Monitor and control construction and development costs within your AP Automation for Real Estate portal.

AP Automation for Real Estate

Digitize AP processes for real estate with automated invoice processing, secure payments, and centralized procurement.
Bottomline Technologies

What Our Customers Say

Before using [Bottomline's] Purchase Orders and Catalog, spending was maintained on a spreadsheet, and there was no real workflow, if you will. Now it’s built into the system so when somebody tries to order something, the system knows, ‘O.K., this person is either not allowed to order that or, if they do order or try to order that stuff, it’s going to go to the next level,' depending on what we’ve set within [our account]. I would really recommend to companies that aren’t using Purchase Orders and/or the Catalog, to use both. It’s a win-win.


Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of electronic POs (e-POs)?

E-POs provide greater accountability and visibility into spend. They also lessen the likelihood of errors.

How do e-POs work with two-way and three-way matching?

If you're interested in performing 2-way or 3-way matching to protect your organization from fraudulent invoices, e-POs can help. E-POs - offered as part of an AP automation platform - can be automatically checked against their corresponding invoices (for a 2-way match) or against their corresponding good receipts and invoices (for a 3-way match).

Is it difficult to implement e-POs if we don't already use them?

No. And you can always start small and require e-POs for just certain parts of your overall spend, such as for office supplies.

Can I have separate approval workflows for invoices and POs?

Yes, you can have distinct approval workflows for each. You can also set it up so that if an e-PO is approved, its corresponding invoice is automatically approved (if they are an exact match).

Do we need to use e-POs?

No. You can pick and choose which modules you need. Add on at any time.

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Create a fast and standardized purchase order process. Get started.