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AP Automation for Real Estate Integrates with Over 30 Property Management Systems

Every invoice, payment, purchase, and approval syncs automatically between AP Automation and your GL—no manual uploads needed. And, your property management system(s) always remains the system of record.

Plus, integrate with many third-party software applications using open APIs.


With GL Integration Enjoy:


Increased Visibility

Know where you stand with budgets, forecasting, expense management, and automatic payment processing.


Improved Productivity

Perform all AP tasks faster with fully automated processing of POs, invoices, and payments.


Greater Accuracy

Collate the data that matters to make the best decisions, while avoiding mistakes caused by human error.

AP Data Flows in Two Directions

The most important data flows automatically from your GL to the AP Automation software and from AP Automation to your GL. So, you’ll have context and history for all your AP decisions.
Vendor Data

Stored in your GL and passed to AP Automation. This allows you to see historical vendor invoices and compare them with current ones.

Budgets and Actuals

Passed from your GL to AP Automation, so you can see how POs/invoices compare to budgets. Get alerted if budgets are exceeded.


Passed to AP Automation so every stakeholder from the property manager to the CFO knows the payment status of each invoice.

Job Cost Data

Imported from your GL, so you can incorporate job cost information on your purchase orders/invoices and know where projects stand.


Passed from AP Automation to your GL after being approved. Once paid, the invoice status is passed from the GL back into AP Automation.

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Integrate Custom Fields for Improved Accuracy

Integrate the customized fields already built into your GL, allowing you to import additional data to keep you running efficiently and effectively. Common custom fields include:


  • Prorate to and from dates

  • Separate check

  • Cash type

  • Additional description

  • Pay by type

  • Tax

  • UOM

AP Automation Integrates with Top Real Estate Software Systems

Keep Your System(s) of Record and Automatically Sync Data

Get In Touch

Ready to enhance your invoice and payment processes, all while syncing with your GL(s)?