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The Case for Sanctions Compliance

It is legally required to prevent processing transactions involving any individual or entity on a sanction list. Failure to comply can result in fines and reputational damage. Banking licenses may be revoked, and senior management can be held personally accountable.

Sanctions compliance poses challenges and costs due to transaction volume, complexity, increasing cross-border trade, and the adoption of the ISO 20022 standard. Since 90-99% of matches result in false positives, many financial institutions have significantly bolstered compliance resources in recent years.

Why Choose Bottomline for Sanctions Screening?

Screen All Relevant Fields Against Your Sanctions Lists

Utilise a straightforward configuration to screen all relevant fields (e.g., originator, beneficiary, counterparty, free text, BIC, account) in real time for every transaction based on the list provider(s) of your choice. This helps mitigate risk and prevent regulatory penalties.

Process Large Volumes of Transactions Quickly

Using the most up-to-date algorithms our Sanctions Screening solution processes large volumes of transactions in milliseconds, simultaneously matching them against domestic and international sanctions lists.

Faster, More Efficient Detection

Investigate and resolve any potential breaches, streamline the management of multiple lists, and eliminate the effort needed to handle duplicate alerts and false positives.


Efficiently Screen Transactions in One Place to Identify and Manage Sanctions Risk


Screen Time-Sensitive Transactions

Review in real-time before payments are processed, whether it’s an outgoing or incoming transfer.


Monitor All Payment Types in One Platform

Supports multiple payment types such as ISO 20022, Swift, SEPA, SIC Instant Payments, Bacs and CHAPS.


Compatible With Major List Providers

Whether local or international, the solution works with DowJones, WorldCheck, C6, EuroSpider, and Accuity, as selected by the customer.


Broad Coverage

Ability to include lists from the USA, Switzerland, Europe, and United Nations.


Fast, Up-to-Date Protection

Your newly, official published sanction lists are automatically updated in the solution daily, ensuring your sanctions lists are always current and accurate.

Dedicated user interface for configuration, tuning, and alert reviews, with decision workflows and audit trail.

Filter transactions in standard MT format, ISO 20022 format, and batch files.

Powerful automation for ease of use, fast deployment, low cost of ownership, and rapid ROI.

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