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It's Time for Financial Institutions to Comply with Confirmation of Payee

In addition to the expanded mandate for nearly 400 selected financial institutions to implement Confirmation of Payee by October 2024, the Payment Systems Regulator (PSR) has announced a Mandatory Reimbursement bill that will also come into force in 2024. This bill will place the responsibility of a fraudulent transaction on both the sending and receiving firms, with them splitting the costs of reimbursement 50:50.


Pay.UK’s Confirmation of Payee Expansion Project

From September 2024, Pay.UK will offer PSPs the choice of Direct and Indirect participation in Confirmation of Payee.

As a leading provider of both options, Bottomline is well placed to help financial institutions understand the pros and cons of each model and ensure they choose the one that best suits their organisation.

Additionally, our expert team can support PSPs with the latest market trends, the fast-approaching PSR deadline, and updating you on recent activities, including the directory switchover.


How Does CoP Protect Against APP Fraud and Misdirected Payments?

CoP acts as a “Name Checking Service,” and allows the payer to check whether the name they’ve been provided matches the account number and sort code. This helps reduce APP fraud and payments from being accidentally sent to the wrong account due to human error.


A Crucial Step Forward in UK Banking

The UK banking landscape is poised for a significant transformation as the Confirmation of Payee (CoP) system is set to expand, with further reductions of APP fraud in its cross sights. The expansion comes in the form of Specific Direction 17 from the Payment Systems Regulator (PSR), which will add around 360 PSPs to CoP by 31st October 2024, increasing the coverage of CoP to 99% of all CHAPS and Faster Payments.


Simple, Secure CoP Implementation


Save Time

Bottomline has already supported 30%+ of CoP members to go “live”—proven experience to provide speed to market.


Minimise Hassle

Compatible with any payment scheme via our SaaS-Based API driven solution.


Easy Integration

Full on-boarding with access to our sandbox.



Multi-year roadmap to cover evolving phases and new functionality.


Flexible and Transparent

Pay-as-you-go model with no capex or compliance overhead.

Available as an Overlay Service to the Following Payment Types


Faster Payments

Mandatory, if CoP subscriber


CHAPS Transfers

Mandatory, if CoP subscriber


Bacs Direct Debit and Direct Credits

Optional at this stage

Confirmation of Payee: Don't Delay

The latest direction from the Payment Systems Regulator (PSR) should come as no surprise to the Financial Services industry in their effort to combat the crippling Authorised Push Payment (APP) fraud in the UK.

The clock is now ticking with published deadlines of October 2024 for the pool of 400 financial institutions mandated by the PSR.

Bottomline Technologies

What Our Customers Say

With the rising patterns of Authorised Push Payments (APP) fraud affecting the UK industry, Zempler Bank wanted a robust technical solution, backed by deep market expertise and 24x7 support.  We are delighted to work with Bottomline who brings their Open Banking credentials and innovative matching technology together to deliver this primary objective of protecting our clients. 

As a relationship bank, we want to make sure our customers are fully protected against the growing instances of APP fraud and also make it as simple as possible for our customers to send funds to us. Bottomline provides this out of the box with their CoP solution.


Frequently Asked Questions

What are the rules for opting out?

There are no rules for Building Societies to opt-out. The most a Building Society can do is opt-out of outbound validations for their customers (if they can only send money to a nominated single, sometimes called a linked account).

Why has Confirmation of Payee been introduced?

APP fraud accounted for losses totaling £485.2 million in the UK in 2022 (Source: UK Finance), as payment scams increasingly moved online. However, only 25% of losses have ever recovered, which highlights the urgency of implementing stronger preventative measures. CoP aims to minimise APP fraud and reduce the volume of payments that don’t reach the intended destination.

Why are you allowed to opt out? Can you see what organisations have opted out?

Organisations can only opt-out if they prove they have no customers or have nominated/linked accounts. Any opt-out requests must be submitted to Payment Systems Regulator (PSR) for consideration. A Bank, etc., cannot simply assume their opt-out status.

Are CoP checks done when the beneficiary is set up or every time a payment is made?

The rule is whenever a new beneficiary is set up. However, we see some Banks re-validating after a period of X days, but this is their choice and not in the rules.

How does CoP work with a generic sort code and account number, where customers are required to quote a specific reference for their payment to reach the correct destination?

CoP uses Head Office Collections Account (HOCA), i.e., your central account and Secondary Reference Data (SDR). For Building Societies, this is a roll number. For Credit Cards, it is a PAN number, and for Mortgages, FX providers, etc., it may be a customer reference.

With ID&V checks, who gets checked? Non-execs? Execs?

In short, whoever is registered at Companies House. This can vary by Bank, Building Society, etc. It’s worth validating/ double-checking that those noted have up-to-date details, as incorrect information has caused delays in some implementations.

How frequently do new accounts need to be added? How quickly do they appear?

We look for a daily file. Although, we have clients with more than one file per day. The intra-day RESTAPI takes 1.5 seconds to update.

Is it a given to have CoP if our organisation introduces Open Banking as a payment method?

In an Open Banking transaction, the customer consents to send a payment. These PISP (Payment Initiation Service Provider) payments are outside CoP requirements.

What complexities do we need to be aware of concerning the matching engine? Why use Bottomline and not build it ourselves?

Pay.UK issues a rule book for the matching engine. Anyone can build their solution provided they follow this rule book and get certified against the simulator. They will also need to consider hardware costs, response dates, system availability, etc., in any self-build.

The other value is that the rulebook needs to be followed to the letter by all parties. Some of the earlier parties are not yet doing this, and the vendors in the market compensate for these differences. That said, any self-build solution could go through the same exploration as the vendors encountered.

Bottomline Technologies Ltd (Registered in England no. 8098450) whose registered office is at 1600 Arlington Business Park, Theale, Reading, Berkshire RG7 4SA.

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