What We Do
Since 1989, Bottomline has been modernizing global business payments with connected solutions for more than 800,000 financial institutions and businesses in 92 countries.
Securely and efficiently manage funds disbursements
For Businesses
Streamline the collection and management of single and recurring payments
Direct submission and processing of your UK bank payments for payables and receivables
Centralize and automate all your payment creation, controls, and submissions
Comprehensive connectivity to Swift and other domestic and global financial messaging networks
For Banks & Financial Institutions For Businesses
Convert legacy financial message formats to modern message standards
For Banks & Financial Institutions
Easily view analytics of financial messages with central repository
Reduce fraud and errors through digital account verification
Efficiently screen transactions to identify and manage sanctions risk
Stop payment fraud before it happens. Detect, investigate, and protect against internal and external threats.
View, optimize, and forecast your cash position with all accounts connected in one solution
Who We Serve
Our Company
Bottomline makes business payments simple, smart, and secure for banks and financial institutions of all sizes worldwide. Our solutions are recognised and trusted by over 600 customers for SaaS-enabled payments, securities, connectivity, and messaging.
Learn More
Connect to Swift and other domestic and global financial messaging networks.
Convert legacy financial message formats to modern message standards.
Efficiently screen transactions to identify and manage sanctions risk.
Easily view analytics of financial messages within a central repository.
Securely and efficiently manage funds disbursements.
Streamline the collection and management of single and recurring payments.
Direct submission and processing of your UK bank payments for payables and receivables.
Centralise and automate all your payment creation, controls, and submissions.
View, optimise, and forecast your cash position with all accounts connected in one solution.
With bureaus in London, Geneva, Singapore, and Zurich, we manage 15% of all international cross-border traffic. Our global experience and expertise in financial messaging and ISO 20022 implementation include message translation, validation, transformation, intelligent routing, orchestration, and integration.
Bottomline’s Secure Managed Services process a total of 10,000,000 payments and transactions daily. Our solutions empower financial institutions and corporations to achieve lower costs, faster time to market, enhanced security, and improved risk management. This is accomplished while avoiding the expensive internal infrastructure and software updates associated with legacy on-premise solutions.
Extended access to global markets and services through multiple clearing, networks, and gateways in one platform.
Explore and consume micro-services via sandbox and APIs by filling the gap of legacy core bank systems.
Secure, protected, and compliance with regulation and legal mandatory requirements across the globe.
Our connectivity solutions leverage multiple domestic and cross-border payment networks and schemes with a track record of success.
This connectivity includes Swift, UK Faster Payments, SEPA-INST for TIPS, SIC 5 Instant Payments, Bacs, Six, EBICS, Visa, and others, enabling our clients to deliver added value to their customers.
of All International Cross-Border Traffic Sent Over Bottomline Rails
10 Million
Payments Processed Daily
Top 3
Swift Service Bureau Globally
Speak to one of our experts today.