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Enabling quick and easy payment submissions, PTX is a cloud-based Bacs and Faster Payments solution that securely manages payments and Direct Debit collections for Bacs Approved and Internal Bacs Bureau.


Offering quick, easy, secure automated direct and indirect payment submissions, PTX:

  • Easily manages the data and submissions associated with multiple customer files
  • Verifies, authorises and submits both customer and bureau files
  • Automatically downloads customer reports, including transactional reporting to support customer billing
  • Reduces operational costs by eliminating the need for installed software
  • Offers anywhere, anytime accessibility and flexibility
  • Delivers operational automation, efficiency and lights-out processing capabilities
  • Delivers peace of mind with failsafe switchover for business continuity

PTX offers bureau the ability to process batched payment and collection files from any location using secure, cloud-based technology, giving you increased mobility and flexibility when processing payroll and supplier payments or managing Direct Debit (DD) collections on behalf of your clients.