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Learn how RMA helps you to manage business relationships between financial institutions.
What to do?: Learn the basics.
Reference: About RMA Evolution | SWIFT Smart
When: Ongoing
What to do?: As of April 2022, all connected BICs will be granted automatic access to the Relationship Management Portal and distribution service. If a BIC wants to delegate its RMA management to another BIC within its hierarchy, then they must complete and submit the e-form.
Reference: Delegation of Relationship Management
When: April 2022
What to do?: Set up your environment.
Reference: Set up your Environment
When: April - July 2022
What to do?: Configure certificates with RBAC roles.
Reference: Role-Based Access Control Requirements
What to do?: Connect to the Relationship Management Portal using the URLs for the pilot or live services.
Pilot -
Live -
What to do?:
Use reports from the portal and compare with reports from your local RMA database. Centra
RMA Validation Guidelines
Reference: camt report bootstrap
When: April - June 2022
What to do?: Review the bootstrapped records in the RMA Portal. Customers are fully and exclusively responsible for validating the result of the bootstrap exercise.
Reference: Bootstrap for FINplus
When: July 2022 - 20 March 2023
What to do?
Extract the distribution file from the RMA Portal. Important!: Extract only records for the swift.finplus service!
Reference: Distribution Files
Import bootstrapped FINplus relationships into your RMA interface (see the RMA Service Operations Guide) and distribute to your messaging interface. Important!: Importing an RMA distribution file will remove the history for these records. Therefore import only the bootstrapped FINplus records. You must take a database back-up before importing this distribution file to retain the FINplus record history.
Adhere to the new RMA principles to issue consistent cross-channel RMA authorisations, either by systematically creating authorisations for the different channels, or by using the Relationship Management Portal.
Central RMA management will be available at the end of 2022.
Reference: Technical Consistency Check
When: 30 July 2022
Activate central RMA Management for pilot and live services Optional until December 2023 (tentative date) when SWIFT no longer supports customers’ local RMA interfaces. Activation means the following:
You accept central authorisations as your main RMA database. SWIFT will reject locally issued RMA updates.
When: By December 2023
Securely communicate financial transactions within and between businesses, globally and locally, while easily managing payment compliance and mitigating risk.
View, optimize, and forecast your cash position across multiple systems and accounts, all connected in one solution.
Securely process, reconcile, and manage the data in financial transactions within and between banks and non-banking financial institutions, domestically and internationally.