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Collections teams rejoice. Accounts Receivable can now benefit from bank-grade technology, which Payables teams are leveraging, to unlock a host of benefits for efficiency, security, and better customer experience, thanks to the introduction of Confirmation of Payee.

In this webinar, we’ll talk about how collections teams can now embrace this bank-grade technology and answer questions on: 

  • The current challenges and limitations of manual account verification processes 
  • The latest advancements in account verification
  • Tips on how to build your business case for CoP 

Join us to unlock the power of paperless and painless account verification. 

Related Solutions

Payments Verification

Ensure compliance and reduce instances of payments fraud and misdirected payments by implementing real-time bank account, name, and address checks using both domestic and global verification schemes.

Payments Connectivity & Compliance

Securely communicate financial transactions within and between businesses, globally and locally, while easily managing payment compliance and mitigating risk.