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Resilience is a hot topic in the world of UK payments and rightfully so

It was right about this time last year that the instability of the Silicon Valley Bank threatened to put the global banking system into crisis mode. However, payment and operational resilience in the system held up. Crisis averted.  

Operational resilience, control and fraud prevention in payments and cash flow management are essential for sustained success.  

Although technology offers efficiency, there are always risks of unforeseen disruptions, which is why regulation SS1/21 is focused on UK business continuity, should the 0.1%  become a reality.      

Listen to Bottomline’s Kevin Grant and Richard Ransom Explore:

  • The payments and compliance landscape  
  • Why finance teams must look beyond ‘treasury payments’  
  • Learnings corporates can leverage from banks with the convergence of compliance responsibilities (e.g. AML, OFAC, Levenshtein) 

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