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Crafting a successful business case does not need to be a daunting task or something to be feared. In fact, it can be a fun, informative, and rewarding project. It simply requires you to do a little homework, explain your current AP processes and costs, discuss the opportunities for change and engage with the key stakeholders who can benefit from the overall project.

In this how-to guide, you'll go through seven key sections your business case must have and get step-by-step instructions on how to build them out. Learn how to best document:

  • Problems and opportunities
  • Project benefits and impacts across the business
  • Return on investment analysis
  • And everything else you need!

Read this guide and write a business case that will help get your AP automation project approved and launched quickly to start making an impact for your business.


The best and most successful business cases communicate information clearly and convincingly, include input that is gathered and incorporated from other stakeholders, and have broad-based support from across the organization.

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