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With evolving customer demands and a volatile economy, the Utilities sector is under pressure to ensure that payment collection effectiveness is predictable and stable. Direct Debit (DD) is the favoured payment method in Utilities. With DD failures and cancellations increasing, this is a concern across industry.

In this interactive webinar, our experts will introduce you to one of our newest payment solutions, Pay Direct, one that is an ideal secondary payment method and would complement your existing collection process. Pay Direct is powered by Open Banking and helps you to collect push account-to-account (A2A) payments at scale.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to see how you could incorporate Pay Direct into your collections strategy and take back control of failed Direct Debits.

Business Benefits of Pay Direct

  • Cost-effective alternative to card payments
  • Usable at scale
  • Speed up payment reconciliation
  • Reduced likelihood of charge backs


Customer Benefits

  • Simple to use
  • Zero risk of incorrect payment amount being taken
  • No sensitive data shared with merchant
  • More secure payment method than card alone