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  • Foreign Trade Bank of Cambodia (FTB) required additional resources to understand the scope of the complex SWIFT CSP framework and to comply with the controls and the new methodology requirements
  • Changes introduced in July 2021 meant that as a SWIFT user, FTB must submit an independent assessment when complying with the framework


  • Following a Bottomline hosted SWIFT CSP webinar, FTB partnered with Bottomline and their SWIFT certified cyber security partner to ensure the audit and independent assessment were submitted on time


  • FTB ensured regulatory compliance with National Bank of Cambodia Technology Risk Management Guidelines Clause 3.6.4 SWIFT Security and the SWIFT CSP
  • The process has better prepared FTB for future audits, with the continuing support from Bottomline

“FTB required support in complying with the evolving CSP framework. Bottomline were able to provide this efficiently and ahead of the fast-approaching deadline.”

Vibol Chhorn, Manager, Information Technology Security