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Get in Touch

Our Advanced Package is perfect for those businesses who are looking for:


  • A way to collect DDs using their own Service User Number (SUN) or in the process of getting one
  • Validation and verification of new customer bank details
  • Automated payment collections and notifications
  • Direct Debit mandates are automatically updated with AUDDIS report updates
  • All payments taken are automatically in-line with Scheme Rules timelines.


Advanced Package benefits for your business:

  • Peace of mind - Operational compliance processes are automatically performed
  • Safe and secure - Customer payment details are stored securely
  • Reduce administration - Let automation do the heavy lifting and deploy that resource elsewhere
  • Flexibility and convenience - Flex payment amounts, dates, and frequencies to suit your customer
  • Risk mitigated - Chance of indemnity claims are reduced using customer checks
  • Collect better - Lean on artificial intelligence and our 30 years to help optimise collections


Advanced Package benefits to your customer:

  • Safe and accurate - All Direct Debit payments are protected by the Direct Debit Guarantee
  • Flexibility and convenience - Payment schedules can be set up to suit everyone


Features you can find in Advanced:

  • Flexible - Can accommodate fixed or variable payment schedules or plans
  • Hassle-free - All customer correspondence can be automated via email or exported to print and post
  • Save time - Failed Direct Debits can be automatically re-presented and updates applied
  • Clarity - Visibility of past and planned Direct Debit collections
  • Single place - All Direct Debit information is in one place – available as CSV export - no other systems needed
  • Protection - New customers automatically go through validation and verification checks
  • Insight - Analysis of collections performance and recommended actions
  • Knowledge - Access to discounted BACS-accredited Direct Debit training