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Customer Overview

Established in 1892, Banque Cantonale de Fribourg is a Swiss universal bank with 28 offices (one a mobile bus) in the canton of Friboug. The bank provides a wide range of consumer, private and business financial services. The bank has over $16 billion Swiss francs in total assets and employs over 440 people.

Customer Challenge

Banque Cantonale de Fribourg was facing challenges with its end-of-life transaction processing system that could no longer keep pace with rising market volatility and tighter regulatory and risk compliance needs. The bank looked to offload complexity and rising infrastructure costs by adopting a cloud-based global transaction processing solution.

Bottomline’s Multi-network Financial Messaging Solution

Banque Cantonale de Fribourg selected the Bottomline financial messaging solution, GTExchange (part of the GTCloud hosted platform) for its comprehensive payment transaction processing capabilities. GTCloud gives the bank access to the Swiss Interbank clearing system, SIC and SECOM for securities for domestic transactions, as well as the SWIFT international payment and transaction networks. Specially designed for high volume data transactions, Bottomline GTCloud is backed by more than 25 years of experience in the banking and securities industry.

Bottomline GTCloud links to all major global interbank networks and is compliant with regulation and standards from SWIFT, FINMA, and ISAE 3402.


Banque Cantonale de Fribourg now enjoys single-window access to a wide range of financial networks and protocols, including SIC, SECOM, and SWIFT. To help the bank meet security initiatives, Bottomline GTCloud provides a leading end-to-end solution for payment security along with robust scanning and anti-money laundering filtering capabilities.

In the Customer’s Own Words

“We are very pleased with how Bottomline Technologies led this project within the cost and time. The product and the thin client user interface of GTCloud are highly appreciated by users.”

Christian Meixenberger, Director, Banque Cantonale de Fribourg

Related Solutions

Payments Connectivity & Compliance

Securely communicate financial transactions within and between businesses, globally and locally, while easily managing payment compliance and mitigating risk.

Connectivity Services

Securely process, reconcile, and manage the data in financial transactions within and between banks and non-banking financial institutions, domestically and internationally.

SIC IP (Swiss Interbank Clearing—Instant Payments)

To provide the marketplace with a state-of-the-art proposition, Bottomline has developed a new API-enabled SaaS platform, relying on the most modern technologies to future-proof access to SIC IP and, by extension, to other payment schemes.