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Streamlined AP Processes Can Result in:
  • 400% increase in visibility to invoices and payments

  • 74% faster processing of invoices and payments

  • 10x less fraud with electronic transactions than paper checks

An account payable department processing 60k invoices per year stands to save $677k annually through accounts payable automation.


The Best-in-Class AP Department

Don’t let inefficient manual processes stand in the way of becoming best-in-class.

  • 83% lower invoice processing costs than their peers
  • 73% faster invoice processing times
  • 2x as likely to be able to provide rich remittance detail to suppliers, strengthening relationships
  • 2x as likely to utilize electronic payments than paper checks, realizing cost savings and efficiencies
The Proof is in the Numbers

Join the ranks of organizations that have implemented AP automation to streamline processes and achieve real ROI.

Automated routing enabled one mining company to reduce its invoice approval time from an average of 18 days to a few hours, resulting in a 6% increase in early-payment discounts captured.

Over $1.1 Million

Cash-back rebates earned by a commercial real estate services company in one year on ACH transactions processed through Paymode. 

Over $270,000

Cash-back rebates earned by a leading air conditioning and refrigeration manufacturing company in one year on transactions processed through Paymode.