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McKinsey & Company’s senior partner Alex Singla observed that “Speed is often a strategy in and of itself. So those who run faster will win over time.” Bottomline’s 2025 Market Outlook Report for Commercial Banking supports that assessment. In this year’s annual report, we look at six trends for commercial banks, all of which have one thing in common: speed.

This report spotlights 6 major trends that will be prevalent in 2025, such as the challenges of ISO 20022, the expansion of AI, and the criticality of data analytics. It is here – in these key areas of growth– that you can architect your bank’s success and empower your corporate customers to do so, as well.

Banks that embrace these market trends will strengthen customer relationships, improve operational efficiency, and secure long-term growth. For commercial banks, the time to act is now: in the race toward financial excellence, those who move fastest will lead the industry forward.

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