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  • ABA Bank required guidance and external support to evaluate its controls and ensure that they have met all of Swift’s regulatory requirements
  • Swift required an independent assessment of their attestation ahead of the December 2022 deadline


  • Bottomline’s Swift-certified cyber security partner audited ABA Bank’s controls and measures to ensure that their security controls were fully compliant and working effectively
  • The full attestation was completed well ahead of the deadline and ensured that ABA Bank met all mandatory and advisory control requirements of the Swift Security Controls Framework


  • Guaranteed that day-to-day controls were up to date while preparing ABA Bank to remain fully compliant with the upcoming control changes from Swift, with support from Bottomline
  • Instilled confidence and trust across ABA Bank’s portfolio of clients, business partners, and counter-party banks who knew with certainty that ABA payments were secure and adhered to Swift’s controls.

“ABA received a CSP Independent Assessment, demonstrating that we met all of Swift’s security-mandated requirements. We were able to complete the assessment for 2022 while preparing for the annual Swift CSP requirements at the same time. We would not have been able to achieve these objectives without the best-in-class support from the Bottomline Team. The excellent services and teamwork were much appreciated.”

Polinda Hean, Chief International Business Officer