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Cash forecasting is the foundation of a successful treasury operation. But generating an accurate forecast involves collecting information from multiple sources - and it's often still done manually using spreadsheets and multiple bank downloads.

While many solutions can help automate and streamline cash flow forecasting for corporate treasury, the list of providers can be overwhelming. During this Treasury Dragons virtual demo session, you’ll see demos from multiple leading technology providers in one place, including Bottomline. Leo Gil, VP of Product Management, will show you how Bottomline’s Global Cash Management Hub helps improve the ease and accuracy of cash forecasting. He’ll also respond to challenging questions from a panel of experienced corporate treasurers and technology experts – the Treasury Dragons – asking the right questions on your behalf.

Register now to catch this comparison of top solutions that can help you forecast cash more accurately.

Tour Bottomline’s Treasury-enhancing Solution Live with a Seasoned Pro

Leo Gil
VP, Product Management, Bottomline

Leo Gil oversees the Global Cash Management Hub and Payments Hub solutions at Bottomline, working to develop innovations that help businesses across the globe achieve greater control and visibility over their cash. He has more than 20 years of experience in the software industry, leading product and development teams focused on transforming financial technology.