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The Legal-X e-Billing platform provides business intelligence complemented by a complete set of reporting empowering you with visibility into both actionable analytics and trends surrounding your Claims Legal Spend.

For maximum performance add our Expert Bill Review Service proven to save our clients millions while processing billions in legal invoices.


Why is Bottomline trusted by over 250 global claims organisations?

Return on investment

Bottomline legal spend management clients realise a savings ROI of up to 7:1


Bottomline brings unparalleled bill review expertise.

Advanced Analytics

Reporting and analytics support informed decision making

Legal Spend Management

How Bottomline's market-leading legal e-billing solution for general insurers can help

  • Dramatically increase efficiency and reduce costs
  • Gain insight and control over legal spend
  • Strengthen billing guidelines and improve compliance
  • Foster collaboration with law firms
  • Make faster and better business decisions
  • Improve overall program results

Get In Touch

Ready to upgrade your legal spend management processes? Let's talk.