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How Bottomline's Secure Payments Can Help You


Rapid Activation

Industry-standard integration into payment systems  


Managed Risk Exposure

Configurable out-of-the-box libraries with proven best-practice fraud risk indicators


Faster Investigations

Speed investigations through visual link analysis and Record and Replay


Real-time Interdiction

Payments can be instantly blocked to prevent fraud loss

Reduce Risk and Prevent Payment Fraud

Monitor All Types of Payments​

Secure Payments monitors trillions of transactions worldwide. View any outgoing payment via Card, Check, ACH, Wire, SWIFT, FileAct, SEPA, SIC4, ACH, Fedwire, Check, ISO200022 and ISO8583. ​

Prioritize Alert Investigations Based on Risk Levels​

Assess alerts and act on the ones that concern you the most. Bottomline organizes alerts based on an intelligent machine-learning engine and adapts them based on how you’ve resolved them in the past. So, you’re focusing on where your organization is at risk.

Real-Time Interdiction with Rich Visualizations and Forensic Tools​

Bottomline automatically puts transactions on hold, allowing suspicious events and high-risk payments to be examined in the Alert Investigation Center. Connect the dots easily between users, accounts, transactions, and a plethora of data to get a fuller understanding of the risks. Once the investigation is complete and funds are verified, analysts can release funds or block them if determined fraudulent.

See Screen-by-Screen Playbacks in Payment Systems

No dependency on data availability and quality in log files. With Record and Replay, security teams can review end-user activity and examine the evidence to understand the sequence of events

See Screen-by-Screen Playbacks for Transactions

Take a proactive approach to risk management while removing complexity and enabling compliance


Detect Internal Threats​

Identify unusual behavior from insiders or intruders before their high-risk activities disrupt your business.​

Learn More About Insider Fraud

Streamline Investigations

Organize, prioritize, and manage investigations by aggregating data from all your risk detection solutions into a centralized tool.

Learn More About Enterprise Case Management

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